The Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Minden, LA, under the able and dedicated leadership of Dr. L.L. Clover, the first president of the Louisiana Missionary Baptist Institute and Seminary, and president emeritus until his death, voted in the summer of 1952 to sponsor a school for the training of Christian workers and especially young ministers. With the assistance of Dr. J. E. Hollingsworth,, Sr., and his wife, the school began her first year of instruction in September 1952. In the following year Dr. and Mrs. John L. Causey, Sr., became affiliated with the school. As the school grew, other men were added to the faculty. Property was purchased in 1955 and in 1963 a new building was erected. The property, located on Hwy. 80 in the southwest section of Minden, covered approximately one block of ground. A new chapel, bookstore and other upgrades to the buildings were completed in 1973. In 2004 the school moved into new facilities at the present location.
Because of the dedication of the members of Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, the able leadership of her pastors and others who have assisted through the years, the corporation of sister churches who not only have given financially, but also have prayed and labored with the school and, most of all, blessings and power of God, the school has steadily grown from the very beginning and is free of all indebtedness.