Students are expected to attend all meetings of classes in which they are enrolled.
Attendance and notes are required for all lectures or sermons delivered during chapel period, visitor’s days, special seminars and lecture week. Students will receive a grade and 1.5 credit hours for the semester. (These credit hours are needed for graduation.)
The student is allowed to miss no more than a total of three weeks of class sessions (6 days) in any one course if he/she is to receive credit for the course, including those missed through late registration. Any absences above six days (6) will result in no credit being given for that course unless approved by the Dean.
Absences due to attending associational meetings or other matters on behalf of the church you are a member of will be considered for exemptions, subject to being approved by the dean.
Each instructor shall evaluate student progress by the following grading system:
- 4 points A–95-100–Superior
- 3 points B–86-94–Above Average
- 2 points–C–76-85–Average
- 1 point–D–70-75–Passing
- I–Incomplete (0 points)
- W–Withdrawal (0 points)
Examinations are given at stated times and at the digression of the faculty. All work assigned by the instructor is due on the date specified; any extended time is at the digression of the instructor.
All students will be classified as first, second, third, fourth, or fifth-year students. Certain circumstances may arise where a student may be in a position to take for credit a subject above his classification. Some students, particularly those students starting in the second semester or those transferring, may have to take a course in a higher or lower year classification.
Every effort will be made at the time of enrollment to place a student in the proper classes. Students will be permitted to change classes only with the instructor’s permission, and no later than thirty days. He may transfer within the thirty-day period upon making satisfactory arrangements with his instructor and after approval of the dean.
An incomplete grade may be requested by a student. An incomplete is given only as a result of special counseling between the student and teacher, and only when unforeseen circumstances (e.g., sickness) make it warranted. An incomplete grade is intended for those students who are doing satisfactory work, but are unable to complete the work because of extraordinary circumstances. Neglect on the part of the student to complete his work within the following semester will result in failure.
A student may withdraw from class with permission of the instructor and registrar or dean up to the 6th week of school and receive a “W” grade for the class. After the 6th week, withdrawal is permitted only in cases of providential circumstances or when withdrawing from all classes. Proper forms are provided for this procedure. Failure to withdraw properly results in no grade.
Upon the satisfactory completion of the prescribed courses of study as outlined in the curricula of the various departments, the student will be entitled to graduate, subject to the following conditions:
- A certificate of merit will be given for the completion of one full semester of work in this school.
- No student will receive a diploma or a degree who has not had at least thirty-three hours of work in this institution.
- No degree will be given until a student has submitted a satisfactory thesis which has been approved by his faculty advisor and the dean.
- The thesis topic and outline must be approved by the dean at least one semester before graduation.
- Properly bound theses must be submitted to the dean by the first Tuesday in April. The theses will remain as property of the library.
- No student will receive their certificate, diploma or degree until all their financial obligations are met.